Garden Market
Western Springs, Illinois

Design Achievement
Garden Market, located in a suburb of Chicago, aims to become a vibrant hub for community engagement and outdoor activities. Positioned near a prominent high school, this retail development attracts a dynamic crowd throughout the week. DLR Group's expertise in branding and experiential graphics is evident in their design for this upgraded development, creating a unified retail environment and a unique brand identity. The centerpiece of the project is a spacious courtyard that can be adapted for various community events such as yoga classes and farmer's markets. The branding draws inspiration from this distinctive feature, incorporating lively and cheerful colors along with a geometric floral-inspired logo. The branding elements are further brought to life through large-scale painted wall graphics and a three-dimensional painted graphic on reclaimed lumber, serving as a captivating focal point for the revitalized commercial property.

Scope Summary
DLR Group played a pivotal role in the rebranding and experiential graphics design of the commercial center. Their expertise encompassed various aspects, such as creating a new name, designing an identity mark, and developing business materials like business cards and stationery. The experiential graphics design involved the installation of several large-scale painted wall graphics on the brick surfaces throughout the retail development. Adding to the appeal of the space, a prominent feature is a graphic painted on reclaimed lumber, skillfully incorporating the brand's colors and geometric elements from its identity mark. DLR Group's contributions spanned brand development and experiential graphics design, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive visual experience.

Garden Market

Garden Market
